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About Me
I have always, from as far back as I can remember, been an artist. I began
with Playdoh and Craypas and eventually graduated to more "sophisticated"
methods of self expression. As the one child in kindergarten who was always
called upon to "draw something", my most vivid early, creative memory
involved a detailed anatomical rendering of a baby girl. This, also,
constituted my first experience with censorship. My mother taught fashion
illustration at a local college and some of the best days of my childhood
were enjoyed sitting on the floor of her classroom with a new pad and a box
of 64 crayons.
I spent my college years at Pratt Institute both enormously relieved and
terrifically surprised that homework no longer included math. College was
fabulous. I had countless opportunities to explore my art in the company of
a talented, creative community. I'd have been more than happy to stay but
graduation and the realization that I was financially on my own gave me a
gentle push out the door and onto the streets of Manhattan. My first
full-time job was in the art department of The Associated Press creating
slides for television graphics. It was a lot like working at The Daily
Planet. The entire art department consisted of 50 year old men who smoked
cigars and wore Fedoras - before it was cool again. I loved it. It was so
long ago that the news came off of a teletype machine. I take some pride in
my knowledge that Elvis was dead 20 minutes before it was carried by any
television station. This experience led me to the position of Senior
Designer for the McNeil/Lehrer News Hour on PBS. Again, television graphics.
It was a great place to work with famous politicians wandering about the
studio every evening and parties catered by The Silver Palate - before it
was a cookbook. This was all well and good, from a security stand-point, but
what I really wanted was a career in freelance illustration. I continually
lugged my portfolio around during my lunch hour procuring assignments and
working nights and weekends. After a year or so, I developed a clientele and
was confident (read: blissfully ignorant) enough to quit my full-time job
and dive x-acto knife first into life as a self-employed artist.
And, here I am. Twenty-some years later with the job I'd always wanted, a
remarkably patient husband, 2 sons (who, by the way want nothing to do with
illustration because "it takes too long to get paid") and a dog. The best
thing about my work is the variety of assignments I've gotten over the
years. I can be working on a magazine cover one week and a tradeshow display
the next. Ive even had the experience of competing in a paper sculpture competition on a Japanese game show. My clients run the gamut of Mad Magazine to IBM and everything in
between. Ive enjoyed teaching a few illustration classes at Virginia Commonwealth University, and I'm happy to announce that
I've reached the far end of my computer-skills learning curve. Don't ever
let anyone who's creating on a computer tell you they're working. It's a
large, wonderful, very expensive toy and I'm having great fun creating
digitally much of the imagery I also produce as paper sculpture.
I've had friends refer to me as June Cleaver with deadlines.
As a domestically challenged adult, you'd have a hard time finding a clean
shirtwaist in my closet. However, I'd be happy to cut one
out for you!
Clients Include:
Bayer Pharmaceutical
Berkeley Publishing
Bloomberg Report
Dallas Morning News
Hampton Brown
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Macmillan /McGraw Hill
MAD Magazine
New York University
Penguin Books
Reader's Digest
Scholastic, Inc.
Smithsonian Institute
U.S. Information Agency
Wall Street Journal
All images on this site are copyright protected.
Comping is usage. |